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Country Interior Decorating Ideas

Country Interior Decorating Ideas

Interior decorating doesn’t have to be overwhelming. The first step is to make a plan, concentrating on one room at a time. The final results will be a home that is balanced, beautiful, comfortable and harmonious for the entire family.

Contry Decorating Ideas – Interior Decor

To begin the process of interior decorating, let’s idenify four concerns:

1. Furnishings must compliment your home in style, size and color.
2. Your home furniture needs to be harmonious with other pieces, comfortable, possess quality in workmanship and resistant to stains.
3. Furnishings must meet the requirements for each family member.
4. Home furnishings must fit the family budget. Most everyone lives on a budget. Bearing this in mind..it is more practical to purchase “one item” at a time of superior quality as opposed to furnishing an entire room with furnishings of lessor quality because of budget issues.

The first requirement of interior decorating in a home is that of restfulness, peaceful and uncluttered atmosphere. Wall coverings set the background of the room and should be natural or neutral in colors as this sets the tone, enhancing wall hangings and objects of art.

Floor covering, rugs or hardwood floors should be of a darker shade in contrast to the wall color. Rugs with small intricate designs blend harmoniously with walls, rather than big bold designs that clash for attention. Wall coverings with a figured or striped design should be accented with solid color floor coverings.

Choose wall art that compliments the background colors of your walls. Think of your wall and floor colors as your interior decorating color foundation upon which to build on. Always compliment and never clash for attention. You never want a floral design sofa that clashes with a floral design rug. Give attention to the room focal point in your interior design.

When shopping for home furnishings, don’t be drawn to an item that stands out as elaborate or bold in a showroom. Your goal is to buy furnishings that are comfortable, functional, quality built and that which compliments your families lifestyle and the interior decorating background color foundation of the room.

A properly furnished room compliments it’s occupants. A room need not to be cluttered. Furniture arrangements need balance and space. The balance and space needs to be addressed in the placement of sofa’s, chairs, tables, objects and wall art. Consider each room as an artist palette, start with your foundation in background colors, floors that compliment, comfortable furniture that blends, space and balance in furniture, wall art and objects.

Attaining balance in interior decorating. Pay special attention that floor coverings run parallel with the longest side of the room. Place furniture together by contour and size.

Pay special attention to wall art. It is unwise to have too many pictures on any wall. Remember less is more. A single painting or two compliments a wall as opposed to too many pictures that clutter.

Decorative objects should be used sparingly. A few well placed pieces of pottery, bowls, candlesticks and baskets strike a balance when displayed properly. For instance, a couple of candlesticks in brass candle holders on each side of the mantle accented by a smaller piece of pottery in the center. Never group too many pieces together. Large bowls on a small table will be an eye-sore.

A good rule of thumb is to remember “good objects decrease in decorative value when their number increases”.

Country Decorating IdeasCountry Interior Decorating Ideas

February 24, 2009 Posted by | desain, Desain Rumah, desain rumah minimalis | Leave a comment