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New Kitchen Design Ideas

New Kitchen Design Ideas

Tired of your old kitchen? Do you feel that it is looking dull and traditional? Then maybe it is time to give it a facelift. By focusing on some or all elements of new kitchen design, you are able to update your kitchen without having to spend much.

So how does a new kitchen look like? The keyword is minimalism. With fewer fixtures, the kitchen now looks big and less cluttered, giving more space where family members can gather. For some, the modern kitchen also serves as a family room. Here are some elements of new kitchen design.

First thing to consider is the appliances. Modern appliances are usually metallic. This gives the kitchen a sleek look. Cords and sockets are no longer visible. Bigger appliances like ovens and refrigerators are now built-in.

The next element is the kitchen cabinets. Solid hardwood cabinets, especially if in deep or dark shades, can give your kitchen a traditional or country look, not to mention dark and gloomy. Update your cabinets by using a modern finish or paint color on the doors. You can also update them by changing the knobs and pulls with new styles. If you are not on a tight budget, you can change the entire cabinet or its door with metal or glass to match the appliances. Frosted or clear glass cabinet doors will make your kitchen look posh.

February 24, 2009 Posted by | insurance, masakan, resep, tips | Leave a comment